Activision's official line on why there's no conventional singleplayer this year is that snippets of story are scattered across multiplayer. Seeing as multiplayer is what Blops 4 is all about, it's good to taste the gamemeat in advance. Treyarch say the Blackout beta will come "first on PlayStation 4", and that "Actual platform availability and launch date(s) of MP and Blackout Beta subject to change." So possibly in some form at some point for some people. After a decade or so of running Cod through Steam, they won't even release Blops 4 there.īlackout mode will debut in a private beta test in September (presumably only for pre-orders, competition winners, and so on) but it's not yet clear if that will be on PC too. The test will run through the client of Treyarch's Activision sibling Blizzard, which is increasingly becoming Activision's own PC store as it also hosts Destiny 2. People who pre-order the full game will get into the beta one whole day early, but obviously we don't condone pre-ordering. The Cod Blops 4 PC multiplayer beta will start at 6pm (10am Pacific) on Saturday the 11th of August then run until 6pm (same) on Monday the 13th. As a casual observer of Cod I am sorry to see the antics of wallrunning and jetpacking removed this year, though it does have a grappling hook gun and I'm enough of a grapplefan to download the whole dang beta just to try that. No, this won't include that new battle royale mode, Blackout. We'll get to try the near-future face-shooting of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 in a free multiplayer open beta weekend in August, developers Treyarch have announced.