Type ^p, which stands for end of paragraph.Place your cursor in the Replace with field.Type ^b (that's caret b, where caret is above the "6"key in a US keyboard) it stands for a Section Break of any kind.Place your cursor in the Find what field.Select Edit > Find > Advanced Find and Replace.(There may be inactive breaks in the middle.) Go to the top of of the document: Let's first do a global replacement to get rid of all the section breaks (make sure you can see them, as explained in the "Setup" portion of my previous solution message). If you don't know what those are, then you are not using them!

I'm assuming you are not using tracked changes-that's a recipe for formatting disasters. Given the mess you seem to be facing, I think it's "desperate times."ĭo a Save As or make a copy of the file in the Finder.